What our Patients Say
At S.I.B.S Khmermedical, you’re not alone in your journey and road to recovery. We’re committed to helping our communities we operate in on their path to better health. For us, the difference is the human touch – the ability to talk to someone who cares and has the experience and knowledge to assist. Just as every person matters, so every healthy action counts – your first consult with a primary doctor may save your life. Many of our patients and their families have benefited from our services since 2011. Get started on your road to recovery today.
In early 2021, 51-year-old cervical cancer patient, Elaine (not her real
name) was admitted by ambulance but walked out of the hospital ON HER
OWN after a 3-month stay in Farrer Park Hospital for complications
arising from the rupture of her 20-cm tumour.
The 20cm tumour ruptured and a team comprising of chemo oncologist (primary doctor), hematologist, interventional radiologist, urologist, infectious disease physician and radiation oncologist was called in to treat the complex infection. Medication was administered and Elaine had to undergo subsequent radiotherapy.
On 24 April 2021, 51-year-old Elaine walked out of the hospital after 57 days, much of which was spent in an isolation ward to fight the infection. Dr Lynette Ngo, her principal physician, celebrated the victory with the medical team as the tumour was contained at 3.5cm in preparation for surgery.
Fast forward to 3 Feb 2024, 54-year-old Elaine is a lady living in gratitude for her second chance at life.
For almost three years, the team of doctors including Prof Soo, a renowned surgical oncologist, were doing all they could to arrest the constant infections that plagued the patient.
She survived the ordeal and became one of the best success stories among our list of patients who survived cancer.
In Feb 2024 Elaine happily sauntered out of the hospital; this time cleared of the final traces of the tumour and freed from all encumbrances.
This is proof that God does send doctors to perform miracles!
The 20cm tumour ruptured and a team comprising of chemo oncologist (primary doctor), hematologist, interventional radiologist, urologist, infectious disease physician and radiation oncologist was called in to treat the complex infection. Medication was administered and Elaine had to undergo subsequent radiotherapy.
On 24 April 2021, 51-year-old Elaine walked out of the hospital after 57 days, much of which was spent in an isolation ward to fight the infection. Dr Lynette Ngo, her principal physician, celebrated the victory with the medical team as the tumour was contained at 3.5cm in preparation for surgery.
Fast forward to 3 Feb 2024, 54-year-old Elaine is a lady living in gratitude for her second chance at life.
For almost three years, the team of doctors including Prof Soo, a renowned surgical oncologist, were doing all they could to arrest the constant infections that plagued the patient.
She survived the ordeal and became one of the best success stories among our list of patients who survived cancer.
In Feb 2024 Elaine happily sauntered out of the hospital; this time cleared of the final traces of the tumour and freed from all encumbrances.
This is proof that God does send doctors to perform miracles!

Survivor of ruptured tumour
In June 2022, my Dad’s liver cancer (HCC) recurred only a few months
after his surgery. It was really devastating for him and our family.
We consulted with Auntie Agnes about the next step that we should take. She suggested seeking the opinion of a few top doctors in order to make an informed decision.
After a few nerve-racking days and family meeting, we decided on SIRT (Y90), a relatively new treatment which is not available in Cambodia.
Though we have never heard of SIRT, we decided to put our trust in Dr Andrew Tan; medical oncologists in Thailand had recommend TACE.
After undergoing the PET Scan, we saw that my father had cancer cells in his liver as well as his lymph nodes. Dr Tan advised us to target the part which is threatening to my father’s immediate health first, which is from the start, was his liver. Hence, we have chosen this sequence of treatment where immunotherapy after Y90 would help to deal with his lymph nodes.
On 1 July, both attending doctors; Drs Andrew Tan & Choo Su Pin, and the patient received the news that cancer markers indicated remarkable improvement after only a month. The family is thankful to the Team at the Nuclear Medicine department and Dr Choo Su Pin for the "kid-glove" approach rendered to my Dad.
After 3 months of treatment, my father’s tumour is under control; with his AFP around 30 (from 2000). We are fortunate and very thankful to have talk to Auntie Agnes who guided us through the Y90 treatment.
Fast forward to 7 March, 2024, after his annual PET scan, Mey’s Dad was given a clean bill of health by his medical oncologist.
We consulted with Auntie Agnes about the next step that we should take. She suggested seeking the opinion of a few top doctors in order to make an informed decision.
After a few nerve-racking days and family meeting, we decided on SIRT (Y90), a relatively new treatment which is not available in Cambodia.
Though we have never heard of SIRT, we decided to put our trust in Dr Andrew Tan; medical oncologists in Thailand had recommend TACE.
After undergoing the PET Scan, we saw that my father had cancer cells in his liver as well as his lymph nodes. Dr Tan advised us to target the part which is threatening to my father’s immediate health first, which is from the start, was his liver. Hence, we have chosen this sequence of treatment where immunotherapy after Y90 would help to deal with his lymph nodes.
On 1 July, both attending doctors; Drs Andrew Tan & Choo Su Pin, and the patient received the news that cancer markers indicated remarkable improvement after only a month. The family is thankful to the Team at the Nuclear Medicine department and Dr Choo Su Pin for the "kid-glove" approach rendered to my Dad.
After 3 months of treatment, my father’s tumour is under control; with his AFP around 30 (from 2000). We are fortunate and very thankful to have talk to Auntie Agnes who guided us through the Y90 treatment.
Fast forward to 7 March, 2024, after his annual PET scan, Mey’s Dad was given a clean bill of health by his medical oncologist.

Hope for liver cancer
I am a cancer survivor. I am telling my story because the illness taught me a reality -- the fragility of life. I’m beholden to share what I have learnt as I’ve been given the gift of life. And, I must give credit to the healthcare professionals who cared for me; professionals who are honestly doing their best to relieve suffering.

Agnes lim
Vào những tháng đầu năm 2018, em dâu tôi ( chị Hoàng T K N – 28 tuổi, làm nghề nội trợ là mẹ của 2 con nhỏ 4 tuổi và 2 tuổi) phát hiện thấy sưng nhẹ ở vùng xương ức, phía dưới cổ. Ban đầu N có cảm giác đau nhẹ bất thường, dần dần đau càng nặng hơn khiến cô ấy mất ăn mất ngủ, sụt cân trầm trọng.

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Patient’s Sister in law
Still get the chills to look back; two surgeries in a span of 4 months; removal of gallstone & a triple heart bypass.
Thank goodness Dr SH Ho & Dr Lim Chong Hee came to my rescue.
Thank goodness Dr SH Ho & Dr Lim Chong Hee came to my rescue.

Dave Tiang
The process pre- and post-surgery was relatively smooth with much encouragement from the nurses, Auntie Agnes and reassurances from the doctors.

Leong Ling Shuang
whose mom went through triple negative breast cancer surgery
Md Sor getting ready to return to Phnom Penh with happy outcome of gastroscopy
and colono-scopy

MD Sor
Celebration in Phnom Penh with two patients

Phnom Penh