

Orthopedic Surgery – Hip & Knee

Orthopedic Surgery – Hip & Knee focuses on diagnosing, treating, and surgically managing conditions and injuries affecting the hip and knee joints. This can include a wide range of problems like arthritis, fractures, ligament tears, hip or knee replacements, and congenital or degenerative conditions.



Ophthalmology is a surgical specialty that in-volves the diagnosis and treatment of eye dis-orders and diseases such as cataract, glaucoma, eye infections, floaters and flashers, retinal de-tachment, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy. It also involves treatment of conditions related to the anatomy and functions of the eye. An ophthalmologist diagnoses and treats all eye diseases, performs eye surgery and prescribes eye glasses and lenses to correct vision prob-lems; whilst an Optometrist examines eyes for both vision and health problems, and correct refractive errors by prescribing eyeglasses and contact lenses. Surgical procedures also include reconstructive surgery to repair trauma and abnormalities, tu-mor and cyst removal, chronic conditions like diabetic retinopathy and thyroid disorders, tear duct infections or blockages, repairing torn or detached retinas, and corneal transplants

Oncology (Medical)

Oncology (Medical)

Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Treatment plans are dependent on detailed pathology reports and a battery of blood tests. Basic cancer treatment modalities include sur-gery, radiation and medical oncology. Medical Oncology is the non-surgical manage-ment of malignant disease using systemic ther-apies like chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted drugs and immunotherapy.

General Surgery (Colorectal)

General Surgery (Colorectal)

Colorectal surgery is the specialty that deals with diseases of the colon, rectum and anus as well as bowel problems such as constipation and defecation disorders. It is also concerned with the surgical aspects of benign conditions such as haemorrhoids or piles, anal fissures, ab-scesses, diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Colorectal surgery deals with the removal of cancerous tumors in the colon and rectum; de-tected by colonoscopies. Keyhole or minimally-invasive laparoscopic surgery procedures are commonly used for surgeries of the colon. Sur-gery involves making incisions in the abdomen, through which laparoscopic instruments are in-serted using advanced imaging guidance to re-move tumors.

Removal of an entire section of your colon, known as a colectomy can be performed as an open surgery, where an incision is made in the abdomen, and a section of the colon is re-moved; or by laparoscopic or keyhole method, a minimally-invasive procedure. Robotic option, where the surgical instruments are guided by a robotic system is also available.

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