Brain Aneurysm Advances and Carewith Dr. Manish Taneja,Vascular & Neurointerventional Specialist

Important Breakthroughs in Treatment of Neurological Conditions:

Mount Alvernia: What are some of the most important recent breakthroughs in the treatment of neurological conditions?
Dr. Manish Taneja: One of the most important recent advances has been in clot removal for acute stroke and better endovascular devices for the management of brain aneurysms. Just a decade back, only 50 to 60 percent of aneurysms could be treated with a minimally invasive approach. Now with new coils, stents, and flow diverters, more than 90 percent of aneurysms can be treated with this approach. (We provide care for brain aneurysm treatments at the Supreme Vascular and Interventional Clinic in Singapore.)
Mount Alvernia: Given Singapore’s ageing population, do you think that people are becoming more aware of the modifiable risk factors for conditions such as stroke and dementia, and taking preventive measures?
Dr. Manish Taneja: Our Singapore community is by and large well aware of health-related issues. We are fortunate to have one of the best healthcare systems on the planet in both public and private practice, which is unique. Of course, patient education is a process that is constantly evolving as our understanding and practice evolves.

How to Prevent A Neurological Condition:

Mount Alvernia: If you were to give Singaporeans one piece of advice in terms of preventing neurological conditions, what would it be?
Dr. Manish Taneja: Please choose an active healthy lifestyle and get check-ups on a regular basis. It is better to prevent a neurological condition, if possible, rather than to treat it. (Read about effective prevention of a brain aneurysm in our blog post, “The Ultimate Guide to Brain Aneurysm”.)

How to Look after Your Neurological Health:

Mount Alvernia: How do you look after your own neurological and general health in your day to day life?
Dr. Manish Taneja: I exercise regularly, stay fit and eat a healthy diet. I also enjoy life to the fullest!
Mount Alvernia: What is the most rewarding or fulfilling aspect of practising neurology?
Dr. Manish Taneja: Getting a patient well. There’s nothing better than hearing a patient who has fully recovered say ‘thank you’ with a smile on their face!
Source: Mount Alvernia Hospital

Visit the Supreme Vascular and Interventional Clinic for Brain Aneurysm Treatment Options

At our specialized brain aneurysm clinic in Singapore, we are committed to providing expert care and tailored treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients’ health and well-being.

About the Supreme Vascular and Interventional Clinic

The Supreme Vascular and Interventional Clinic was started by Dr Manish Taneja. Dr Manish has been performing catheter angiograms and interventional procedures since May 1995. Over the last couple of decades, he has been pursuing full time dedicated vascular and interventional practice. He is one of the few dual trained and certified neurointerventional and peripheral vascular interventionists in practice in Singapore. As a neurointervention and vascular specialist, Dr. Manish Taneja has special interest treating brain aneurysms, stroke, thyroid nodule radiofrequency ablation, and venous diseases such as varicose veins.
The Supreme Vascular and Interventional Clinic is your “go-to” facility for various conditions and treatments.
Credit: Dr. Manish Taneja, The Supreme Vascular and Interventional Clinic
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